A bookshop literacy project - with a twist!

Our online sales help us to bring our travelling bookshop to local community spaces and provide literacy workshops for all ages through creative writing, art, sound, and drama.

Our next pop-up bookshop will be at Freshbrook Community Centre on Thursday 27th June 2024!

We will be in Freshbrook from 3pm-7pm every Thursday in June, with our pop-up bookshop and a selection of workshops.

Booking for our next workshops is now available in our Online Shop!

Workshops are currently available in Art and Creative Writing, and must be pre-booked. 

Please contact accessfund@swindonstoryshed.co.uk to discuss free spaces.

Introducing The BloodShed 
Crime Fiction Festival 2024!

18-20 October 2024            Delta Hotels Marriott Swindon           Full details coming soon!



Experiment with the physics and imagination of sound in storytelling!

Creative Writing

Explore the basics of character creation and storytelling, from freewriting to story arcs.


Explore the basics of character creation and storytelling, from simple shapes to finer details.


Experiment with character creation and dramatic action using movement, voices, and interaction!



Experiment with the physics and imagination of sound in storytelling!

Creative Writing

Explore the basics of character creation and storytelling, from freewriting to story arcs.


Explore the basics of character creation and storytelling, from simple shapes to finer details.


Experiment with character creation and dramatic action using movement, voices, and interaction!

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