Our Workshops

We aim to provide literacy opportunities to under-served areas through art, creative writing, drama, and sound for all ages. 
All our workshops are ungraded and a chance to experience the joy of storytelling!

We are committed to providing a minimum of two FREE spaces on every workshop, so no one is ever excluded based on their finances. If you would like to discuss applying for a free space, please contact accessfund@swindonstoryshed.co.uk and one of our lovely team will get back to you ASAP!

Freshbrook Community Centre
Every Thursday in June 2024

3:30-4:30pm - Creative Writing for ages 7-11: Create A Character - £6

4:30-5:30pm - Art for ages 11-14: Create A Character - £6

5:30-6:30pm - Art for ages 14+: Create A Character - £6

6:30-7:30pm - Creative Writing for Adults: The Basics - £6

Beechcroft Library
7th June 2024

10.30am-12:30pm - Build A Story: Family Session - £6 per child, accompanying adults free

1.30pm-2.30pm - Art for Adults: Create A Character - £6

3pm-4pm - Creative Writing for Adults: The Basics - £6


Nick's art workshops explore the fundamentals of drawing using shapes and geometry and layering detail to create characters, ideas, stories and more!

Art for 11-14: Create A Character

Freshbrook - 16th May - 4.30-5.30pm

Book Now


Art for 14+: Create A Character

Freshbrook - 16th May - 5.30-6.30pm

Book Now


Nick's Sound workshops will explore different types of equipment, demystifying the physics of sound waves and exploring the wonderful ways we can use sound to tell stories!

Sound for Adults: The Basics of Sound Design

Highworth - 20th May - 1.30-2.45pm

Book Now


Sound for 14+: The Basics of Sound Design

Highworth - 20th May - 4.30-5.45pm

Book Now






Creative Writing

Debi's Creative Writing workshops explore freewriting, the building blocks of storytelling and why it's important to let yourself be bad at it!

Creative Writing for Adults: The Basics

Freshbrook - 16th May - 6.30-7.30pm

Highworth - 20th May - 12.30-1.30pm

Book Now


Creative Writing for 7-11: Create A Character

Freshbrook - 16th May - 3.30-4.30pm

Highworth - 20th May - 3.30-4.30pm

Book Now



Our drama workshops will explore characters and how they look, move, sound and interact.

Coming Soon!

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