Kids' Shed Coming Soon!

This will be a place for all the stories our youngest fans love to read and create!

We are pleased to be supporting Pages for Prospect, raising money for The Prospect Hospice!

It can sometimes be difficult to find people to provide sponsorship, so we are asking our customers to help show that support - follow Pages for Prospect to sponsor our youngest readers over May half term!

Follow us for reviews, recommendations, competitions and all our upcoming workshops aimed at under 14s*.


*There will be no strict age restrictions on our workshops, but they tend to be aimed at specific categories (e.g. 7-11, 11-14, 14-18). We do however understand that many people prefer books or stories outside their target audience, and we fully support that! 

We will always include a warning if any workshop is specifically aimed at an older audience and may contain themes which are unsuitable for younger participants. 

If you have any questions about the suitability of any of our workshops, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at!

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